Now don't interrupt ...Isn't it interesting how often as children we hear that. "We're talking - don't interrupt". But that is what life does! It bumps us and jars our brain. It pushes itself into our vision and begs us to listen. We've not been taught how to listen - we've been told that talking is more important. No don't interrupt ... But if I don't - YOU WILL MISS IT life yells. Okay - so maybe we needed to get shaken awake. To hear "it's NOT about you! It's all about the experience"! LET YOUR LIFE INTERRUPT! Oh Please please let it interrupt. Let it shake you until you figure out it's teaching you to dance! Let it rock you on your heels - so that you see the stars! Let it stop you in your tracks - so you can be mesmerized by the sunset! Let it collide with you at full tilt - so you can experience LOVE! Let it interrupt what you thought you had planned...
Thank you for letting me interrupt the life you had planned. Love you!