Oh the hidden "speak" of judgemental brain training. This is the EGO in action! Whoe Nellie! We're trying to take and apply our judgment / presumptive assessment to someone else. We've decided that our SUBJECTIVE view of them is more valid than THEIR Subjective view of themselves. WTF Wilbur! Back that horse right up to a full seated stop - AND GET OFF!!!! When we judge that our vibration is higher, I guarantee, that you've just wrapped it in fuzzy wool and brought the vibration to a dead THUD.
"My vibration is higher/lower so I'm better/worse then someone else"? I am a Divine Spark - You are a Divine Spark. When we join together in unity - then our light becomes blinding!
Vibration is an essence of being. All things vibrate or respond to vibration. Humans "hugging a tree" - absorbing the planetary 'zen' of the trees vibration. We reactto the emotions of people around us because we're reacting to their vibrations. Vibrational frequency of emotion, action, thought. Now the trick is to change our mental/emotional reaction into a RESPONSE! Wow it keeps cycling back to our own action, response, reaction, actions. Get it yet? We must be accountable for how we interact with the world around us. We have to step up and take responsibility.