Have you ever had conversations with the Divine as you understand them? I do. Often they come as just 'knowings' - to blend this, take that, say this, do that. This type of communication can be frustrating, but I've learned to shut up and just 'do it'. To blend it, make it - and take it, where I'm going.
An example is when I was flying to the USA from Mexico - and was told to blend 2 oils I use for lung issues and take them. I'm like "but we're -- okay okay, no yelling" and I mixed and took them. On the flight, I was seated between an elderly Mexican mother and her son. I kept getting a ping off of her body while the son and I spoke (he spoke English, I didn't yet speak more than a few words of Spanish). I finally asked him, to ask mom, if I could scan her. He did and I got permission. I turned in my seat, and without touch, ran my hand around her. Getting that telling tingling awareness up my body when I was "on point". I turned to the son and ask "how long has she had the pneumonia". His eyes got big and he said it was months. I said "I was told to bring a treatment for her and got out the bottle of oils. I applied them to behind her ears and across the collar bones. And handed it to him with the instruction to use it twice a day until gone. I often wonder how that story finished playing out. Once my part is done - the journey moves on and the pathways again diverge into their own currents.